Sunday, April 10, 2011

the truth to everything

We are all answer seeking creatures, feeding our minds with the vast knowledge that embrace the cosmos.

How about discovering a universal truth. An answer to every little wonder and mystery of the cosmo.

I had stumbled upon something that was overlooked in the oversight off finding the truth.

It embrace all the knowledge of this world, and I consider it as the container of everything we know and think.

The truth is the completed puzzle!

It consist of all the things that humans are made up...

Knowledge will always seek, and finding a way to repair the singularity, the same way one would scatter a puzzle and then it would put itself back together again, based on a single truth.

It is this truth that is overlooked!

This discovery has its own place within the universe, simply because it exist! There are no rights or wrongs. It is like a puzzle that cannot be wrong. It can only be scattered:)

The process of healing is as vast as the expansion of the cosmos, but there are forces putting it all back into understanding.

We have collective knowledge...and we feed on it, the Internet increasing this process...In a way you can say the Internet was created by meme to get a better understanding of all the pieces that is scattered within the cosmos..a massive puzzle.

the beauty of creation!


  1. knowledge is a piece of the puzzle that is completed. But it only apply to the situation it was discovered for. Knowledge become a tool in history, with which we can use to crack the code of the future.

    the present belong to unceartainty... the past to understanding, and the future, well the future belong to the imagination:)

    To understand the past, we must use our imagination, for that is how we got here:)

    the past, was yesterday's future!

    it is therefore correct to assume that one day we will experience it again.

    the present is the uncertainty of understanding what was discovered.

    the future is one moment from the beginning:)

  2. the result of it all is that each little building block in the universe have a place, where it is in total harmony with all the other building blocks. They represent the matter...the antimatter is the knowledge that cannot be seen, but what ensure that each building block, find its own position within the singularity.

    when everything is in place, there is a perfect vibration...a sound so perfect that it would shatter, the singularity like a crystal glass!

    everything vapourise/vanish, and then the antimatter would try to bring the matter back into place, but it is restrained and isolated into galaxies and other clusters and higher concentrations of antimatter cause massive vacuumcleaners sucking matter to order, yet totally out of position.

    smaller planets form, and life start as to suck up the knowledge of a situations right across the cosmos. you might say that the antimatter will code matter in a way to create a contiousness to help in gaining knowledge to repair the singularity...pretty much the way your subcontious would wake your brain for help within a nightmare...

    Life is form, and evolution start its journey thru time, creating the ultimate human beings that are driving the intelligence, and gathering it as they move thru time.

    any living creature/single cell have its own little of antimatter or knowledge that made it into its own form, but sometimes it is so eagar to shape, that we get freaks in nature...misplaced and wrongfull situations that have other valueble purpoise, of which we dont have any current understanding...

    once all creatures are wiped out, knowledge improve, and there are less collective understanding, and then there would be elite pockets of knowledge that would leave this planet, and harvest the knowledg of other worlds...and so it will find its own place, antill it all implodes into itself and get sucked back forming one beautiful singularity that would be scattered by a single sound:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i cant no longer access dreamnet :(
