Sunday, April 21, 2013

How the universe expand.

According to the "Good Housekeeping Theory" The "scattered universe" will repair itself by creating consciousness.

Unlike other theories, Good Housekeeping suggest, that every particle in the universe have a knowledge of where it fit into understanding.

The understanding is equal to the truth, and that there are no right or wrongs. Wrongs, are basically scattered pieces of a puzzle, and consciousness is a natural process to sort the pieces into knowledge and save it in a position of understanding. Evident why knowledge is always stored in a ever shrinking position of "safety" (books, floppy disks, memory sticks, hard drives, DNA, black hole, etc, until we get the singularity!)

This is why the good housekeeping theory differ from other theories, because it is not about matter, but rather about the extraction of knowledge from matter.

It suggest that particles of understanding "sub atomic particles" (perhaps quarks, electrons, protons, etc) is from this position of understanding ( a vast singularity of understanding, a storage of all truth...and that the universe has trapped this understanding within its dark matter, forming atoms, the building blocks of reality)

The universe expand, when there is perfect understanding. When everything is witthin complete harmony, and the perfect sound or frequency is generated!

We have  Big Bang!!! 

Did i mention, that the singularity, is surrounded by dark matter? Well if i did not, then view this as the truth, because "there are No matter within the singularity!" (only sub atomic quarks, or electrons or protons or whatever, i like to refer to it as knowledge alias understanding, alias singularity, alias the truth)

Anyhow, the big bang vaporise and push the dark matter away, at a tremendous force and pressure, and this fuse and mix these quarks, electrons, protons or whatever, I like to call it knowledge, into the dark matter, and thus creating the atom.

Knowledge has been entrained by a gravity that dark matter consist of. The atom particle have a consciousness of where it should retturn to, butit is now restricted to return to its original form, because it is fused to the gravity particle, and it have no way to escape.

The energy of the big bang, was also absorbed within these atom particle, evident is why , when we try to release the sub atomic particles, we get a energy release that can only be stored energy from the big bang itself!!!

Anyhow, i am trolling a little, but lets move back to why the universe expand.

When you take a baloon and blow it up, you need a big bang blow to set the expansion of the universe going.

When the original effort was done, you continue expanding the baloon with ever gentler and less effort, and thus the expanding baloon need less energy to expand, righT??


ok, so why does the universe accelerate, well, remember i told you that the singularity is surrounded with dark matter? yes!

This dark matter is pushed outwards, remember, not all of the dark matter mix with sub atomic matter, right? ok.
Well this outer rim of the universe is like a compressed tsunami wave of dark matter, increasing its gravitational pull every moment as it accumulate more and more dark matter. (like a snowball effect, right? yes.)

See this as a magnet, and see the atom matter being influenced by this magnet. also bear in min that the atom matter differ from dark matter, by having a power of consciousness, or a power that is entrained within or a will to seperate itself from the dark matter, like a water that will not mix with an oil, yet in this situation, it expand because it have a gravity pull, it cannot avoid expansion, and move with the flow.

To repair the singularity, these atoms have to create a consciousness to escape this everlasting expansion.

At the outer rim of the expansion, the problem is space. The space is distance, and it pose a problem for the pieces of the puzzle to find understanding. 

It is much easier for galaxies to form closer to where the singularity was, because there is not as much space created as what there is at the outer edges.

This mean that the inner circle of the universe had found a way, before we did, to extract the knowledge from the atom, and repairing understanding. Distance take time to travel. It is just natural. 

At the outer rims of the universe, consciousness atoms, drift towards one another, like you would rake leaves together, and then later take it to where it must go.

So black holes are generated, and you will find them always in the center of a galaxy (a heap of leaves), where atom matter is extracted from the dark matter, and this energy, although less than the big bang, is what is gently expanding the universe. like the baloon theory i told you earlier about.

So you can see there is a lot going on, and i am excited, because although i dont have all the answers of the universe, i am sure that i had discovered its container.

This imagination is the container of the universe. It is the tool that reach out towards all sub atomic particles, and it place them into understanding. we call it knowledge.

all knowledge make their way into the black hole/or create a black hole, and this monster of a galaxy devour atom matter, and put it into understanding, dark matter and energy!

are you with me?

yes, i can see a flicker of hope.

And to all the Christians out there, i just want to put them at ease, because, God had introduced our souls into this world. He had introduced Himself to us. Because there are only scattered puzzles to this universe, it all form part of a glorious greatness, and there are billions of universes out there, and God created us to become beautiful, to choose between good and evil. because this playing field is all about choice. All about your soul, and this soul is divine, it is not from the singularity. It is not part of what we will understand. It is other dimensional, and it is so important for God, because if God can care for all of this universe, just imagine, how special you are:) 

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